Grace's Blog

This is documentation of my work and questions throughout the semester

View the Project on GitHub gracethorn/gracesblog

Week 4 LCD Display and Sensors Labs

Lab 1 LCD Display

Learnt o wire up and use alphanumeric LCD display


VSS- pin connects to ground

VDD- pin connects to +5 power supply

VO- pin adjusts LCD contrast

RS- register select pin controls LCD memory

R/W- Read/Write pin selects reading/writing mode

E- enabling pin, when given low-level energy, *executes LDC relevant instruct

D0-D7- pinsread and writedata

A and K- pins controlLED backlight


comments: had some issues connecting my LCD at first which slowed me down, along with forgetting to push certain code

Sensors Lab

Use what you leanred about LCD display and set up from last lab, using Arduino UNO to read temperature using temp/humidity sensor & ultrasonic proximity sensor

Use code from last lab as a start, then disect and translate the code to do what you want