Grace's Blog

This is documentation of my work and questions throughout the semester

View the Project on GitHub gracethorn/gracesblog

Week 13 Lab (IR Remote % Servos))

In this lab

Experiment with remote and servo and dapt program so remote controls servo

IR Remote

  1. Clone IRremote_demo repo
  2. Read through & make notes of questions(?)



Creat Platform IO from scratch (inatall Servo library Michael M.)

Servo > Arduino

Input code and make note of questions, did it do what you thought?



IR Remote & Servo

Go back to original cloned repo & adapt so servo moves to spec. dest. depeding on remote button


Makes sense to use branch here while experimenting

Go Over in Class

volitile- this is a veriable that gets invloved in the interrupt

interrupt- fuction triggered when something happens

asiliscope shows power over time

hex numbers- ex: #102 < decimal, 66 < hex. color numbers RGB are hex numbers

operators: and, or, not (!)

ledState = !ledState; (toggle LED)