Grace's Blog

This is documentation of my work and questions throughout the semester

View the Project on GitHub gracethorn/gracesblog

Week 11 Lab Notes: (Motor Control w BJT, MOSFET, Relays & L293D)


Learn how Arduino can cntrl larger devices tru translators, MOSFETs & relays

Using Translator as Switch

Transistors can be used to switch electricity without moving parts.

Transistor in kit is PN2222, cheap and common NPN transistor.

Some example NPN transistors that could replace: BC547, 2N2222, AND 2N3904

pnp transistors work diff and cant be used in same way

Basic use of transistor as switch:

Load is abovice Collector, transistor Emitter cnt to ground.

Lab Class Notes (4/10)

transistor can act as amplifier and a switch

source current: connect LED to output, get current and pull it to ground

serial.write sends a byte

WEBSITES: allelectronics, electronics goldmind

(FOR FINAL?)–soundplant- free online sound sampler sound trigger