This is documentation of my work and questions throughout the semester
Learn how Arduino can cntrl larger devices tru translators, MOSFETs & relays
Transistors can be used to switch electricity without moving parts.
Transistor in kit is PN2222, cheap and common NPN transistor.
Some example NPN transistors that could replace: BC547, 2N2222, AND 2N3904
pnp transistors work diff and cant be used in same way
Basic use of transistor as switch:
Load is abovice Collector, transistor Emitter cnt to ground.
transistor can act as amplifier and a switch
source current: connect LED to output, get current and pull it to ground
if we ask to pull voltage (^) up we are asking it to sink current
different in how well they source vs sink
serial.write sends a byte
WEBSITES: allelectronics, electronics goldmind
(FOR FINAL?)–soundplant- free online sound sampler sound trigger