Grace's Blog

This is documentation of my work and questions throughout the semester

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FINAL PROJECT brainstorm & share w/ craig

Okay so I am just going to list music and sounds that I would have used if I was doing this project solo, feel free to not use any I just wanted to be honest in what I was originally looking at but I don’t mind going in other directions. In a lot of my artwork I reference music and shows/movies that are my favorites and try to slip them in wherever I can, so that is where these come from. I know some might work a lot better than others, but just wanted to contribute with ideas :)

Using our interests and what we have around us, our immediate influences. Giving a greater appreciation to things that have come and passed, with all levels of recency

Grapejuice- by Harry Styles

Bojack Horseman intro Bojack’s Theme

Bojack Outro too honestly Back in the 90’s

Would love a mix of like good sounds and then funny unexpected moments

Wilhelm scream sound effect, just so notable and recognizable similar to some of the objects, even with no relation conceptually

Clock ticking / metronome / car blinker for clock object, may be too on the nose but might be cool

To Be So Lonely- byHarry Styles

Cowboy Bebop Intro “Tank!” or other jazzy stuff

Gravity Falls Intro the Reverse Segment at end

Billie Eilish songs and sounds, she often uses found sound and repeated samplings in her songs (ex: Changed My Number (dog snort at beginning), Bad Guy (traffic crosswalk sound), GLOLDWING (sampling singing at start of song and using it as the base beat).

Persona 5 game soundtrack, I often find sounds or base music for art projects

Full Metal Brotherhood intense angelic vocal, just giving a range lol

When thinking about more sounds: what are some universally recognizable noises and what do they prevoke within a person? email chaimes or notifications causing anxiety

Have some sounds work better for looping while others are more intentional and placed on beat, let the audience figure this out?

Priority in all of my work is really to just have fun w it, from the start of the process to the final result and user interaction. Anything you would like to include or would have fun working with please go ahead and use whatever would make you happiest.

Using our interests and what we both have around us, our immediate influences

Project Title and Appearance

Childs play rug

Project Title/directions
