Grace's Blog

This is documentation of my work and questions throughout the semester

View the Project on GitHub gracethorn/gracesblog

Feb 6: Week 5 In-Class

build clean -if you were building half way and wanted to stop and start over

ctrl P - opens programs

Looking over lab

Changing Fahrenheit to Celcius


float FTemp = (temperature x 1.8) + 32

New Stuff

Template Repo

Found repo, create on in your acount and use all files in repo as starting point


Head and Body section

p5, javascript, layer on top of Javascript, so you dont have to use it on its own,

Javascript is to p5, as C++ is to PlatformIO

sketch.js is where the code we write will be

-default file on website indext.html

Relationship Between Files


-> referenceing style.css (file info and how you format page)

-> ps.js (function that we use, ex: circle formula)

-> sketch.js (code that we wrote, ex:code to draw circle)

css is a way to format

function setup() vs draw()

setup- once when page loads

draw- over and over again, as many times it can, ~60 times a sec

variable mouse x - mouse position

let- allows you to create variable

Browser Consol (ctrl+shift+J)

Hooking Up to Arduino

web serial.js needed to do serial stuff

bunch of serial functions used to serial stuff in sketch.js and serial.js

“InData”- input & organization of data

“Array”- variable with a list