“Stay n’ Play” (V1)
by Grace & Craig
Audience is encouraged to interact with the childs play rug, taking objects from the framed sculpture to create an imerseive experience that evokes feelings of nastoglia and childhood wonder. Combining the sometimes untouchable art world with shared familiar past experiences, using relatability to further encourage physical interactivity.
Project Photo Documentation
Observations and Changes for the future
** 8 NEED better ADHESIVE for the object that stick to the frame
- have a clearer but still substle indication for which objects can be removed (rims of object platforms slightly darker/ black)?
- people leave objects on rug and combine much more than taking off and on intentionall, use this in favor for some of the objects, using this repition to create rhythm in a way that isnt overwelming
- create a sign/logo with “stay n’ play” or some toy slogan indicating that the piece is interactive
- replace black dots on rug with “X”s marking the spot
- maybe still have possible icons incase I cant get wireless that distinguishes each individual object with more ease