Grace's Blog

This is documentation of my work and questions throughout the semester

View the Project on GitHub gracethorn/gracesblog

April 14 In-Class Notes

easier to solder to solder

how to clean flux? look in manual never ask the internet, everyone has opinions, cleaning for asthetic v necesifty

it will depend on the flux, so always read the data sheet!

98% isopropyl alc best for cleaning electronic stuff

flux is realy broad category

rosenflux from tee sap rather than acid flux used for plumbing

uploading to arduino is “programming”

“byte trackNumber; if (digitalRead(4) = LOW && lastButtonState = HIGH && millis() - lastButtonTimestamp > 50) { trackNumber = 81; Serial.write(trackNumber) lastButtonState = LOW; lastButtonTimeStamp =millis(); }”

libraries can be used and debounce for you


any time dealing w time in arduino unsigned loop 32bit not including negatives so there is more room for positive #’s